Central Coast
Speech Pathology Services
enriching communication and learning for life
Central Coast Speech Pathology Services offers mobile and clinic-based services to children on the Central Coast in the areas of speech, language, stuttering and literacy.

Telehealth and Speech Pathology
As you would be aware, our world is currently experiencing a global pandemic known as COVID-19. Central Coast Speech Pathology Services has introduced an alternative service to enable people to continue their speech therapy without needing to meet face to face, using “telehealth”. Telehealth, or telepractice, is not new to Speech Pathology, but has become […]
Vocabulary Games and Activities
If you’ve read Language and Learning, you’ll know that three simple ways to help your young child develop their language skills is talking with them, playing with them, and reading with them.The simplest and most effective way to increase your child’s vocabulary is enjoying regular meals together (see Table Talk for more information). But what […]
Pre-Literacy Games and Activities
If you’ve read my language and learning article, you’ll know that one of the best, and most natural, ways to encourage a child’s pre-literacy development is by reading with them. However, you might like some more specific ideas on how to extend their sound awareness, and these games and activities will give you plenty of […]
Take Your Dog to Work Day
Today is International Take Your Dog to Work Day. So I did. Meet Leo. Leo is a 15 month old labradoodle whose special talents include chewing, digging, sniffing, and eating anything in sight (including socks). He is a lovable goofball who is full of energy and has been affectionately nicknamed “Jumping Jackrabbit” by the neighbours. […]
Table Talk
Every parent has experienced it. That mysterious dinner time “black hole” which opens up somewhere around 6.30pm and extends beyond any reasonable bed time, swallowing up the evening and leaving you scratching your head as you wonder how on earth the kids have managed to get to bed late AGAIN?! Endless Minecraft stories and bad kid […]
Language and Learning
As parents, we want to give our children the best possible start to their learning. The good news is, we can! Research has shown that the key to a child’s successful learning at school is their language skills. Children’s language skills before starting school not only predict their success in maths and reading, but also […]
Bullying and Communication Disorders
Yesterday was National Day of Action against Bullying, with schools and communities across the nation joining together to say “Bullying. No way!”. While bullying can happen to anyone, there are certain groups of people who are more vulnerable to bullying, and these include people with communication disorders. Did you know that according to research: Young […]
Back To School
After a long and lazy summer break, it is once again time for parents to set their alarms, pack the school lunchboxes, and cover those books with that most dreaded of inventions – contact paper! Amidst the chaos and first day tears, what can we as parents do to get our kids off to a […]
How to prepare your child for their Speech Pathology appointment
Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step and made an appointment to see the Speech Pathologist. So, what can you do to help your child to know what to expect? Know where you’re going That might sound obvious, but we have all found ourselves running late to an appointment with an unreliable satNav taking us […]
What is a Speech Pathologist?
Speech Pathologist, Speech-Language Pathologist, speech therapist – which is it?! You may have heard us referred to as many things. In Australia, we are referred to as Speech Pathologists. So, what is a Speech Pathologist, and what do we do? Speech pathologists diagnose and treat communication disorders, including difficulties with speaking, listening, understanding language, reading, […]